Avivah Zornberg has been teaching Torah for the past 30 years at Jewish, academic & psychoanalytic settings around the world, & is the author of five acclaimed books on Tanach.
Avraham Infeld is President Emeritus of Hillel International, and an education pioneer. He has invested a lifetime building Jewish identity and strengthening the State of Israel.
Pursued Nazis all over the world. Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize in 2008. From 1986-2024 led Nazi hunt for Wiesenthal Center. Historian, wrote 4 books, published in 15 languages.
Daughter of Polish Rescuer, Irene Gut Opdyke (Broadway play: Irena's Vow- soon to be a movie) Jeannie Smith tells an incredible story of how "One person can make a difference."
Miriam Anzovin is a writer, visual artist, and creator of the popular “Daf Reactions” series on social media. She exists at the intersection of Sefaria and Sephora.
Sarah Tuttle-Singer is the New Media Editor at Times of Israel, and the author of "Jerusalem, Drawn and Quartered". She writes about her life, and enjoys meeting new people.
Yisrael Campbell is just your average Irish, Italian, Catholic, Reform, Conservative, Unorthodox, Orthodox Jew, who was born to be funny. Audiences love him.
Yonah Jeremy Bob is an award winning author, lectures on foreign affairs and is Jerusalem Post Military Analyst. He has spoken since 2000 in the US, Canada, Australia and Israel.
Bestselling author, Hartman Institute Fellow and award-winning journalist Amotz Asa-El is the Jerusalem Post's senior commentator and former Executive Editor
Dr. Elliott Malamet taught English literature, and Jewish Ethics, in Canadian and Israeli universities. He trains/mentors Jewish teachers in North America, the UK and Israel.
Gershom Gorenberg is an Israeli historian and journalist. His latest book is ‘War of Shadows: Codebreakers, Spies and the Secret Struggle to Drive the Nazis from the Middle East.’
Gil Troy is Professor of History at McGill University, the author of the bestselling "Why I Am a Zionist," and a weekly columnist for the Jerusalem Post & the Huffington Post.
Jacqui and Yaron are the parents of Adi Vital Kaploun. Adi was murdered; Yaron spared; Adi’s boys kidnapped and then miraculously released. This is their inspiring story.
Judy Klitsner, a senior lecturer at Pardes in Jerusalem, teaches Bible in an engaging, interactive style. She is the author of the acclaimed "Subversive Sequels in the Bible."
Rabbi Micha Odenheimer founded Tevel b’Tzedek, an NGO promoting sustainable development in developing countries, while providing young Jews with social justice experience abroad.
Mike Reiss has won four Emmys and a Peabody Award during his 28 years writing for The Simpsons. He is also an award-winning mystery writer, playwright, and children's book author.
A world renowned wildlife photographer, capturing endangered animals around the world for the BBC, Nat Geo and more and raising awareness as a Greenpeace ambassador worldwide.
Beatrice Weber, a formerly Hasidic woman, passionately advocates for women's and children’s education justice, and her powerful journey of breaking free and finding her voice.
Cindy worked in education for the past 25+ years in admissions,teaching&college counseling. She's a best-selling author of 11 books &speaks on education & parenting-related topics.
International lawyer, IDF Lieutenant-Colonel (Res.), former senior IDF legal advisor, expert speaker and commentator on the law of war and Israeli legal affairs.
People seek meaning and connection in their lives. Rabbi David helps seekers find meaning and connection to others through the profound wisdom of the Jewish wisdom tradition.
David Sacks went to Harvard, wrote for “The Simpsons”, and co-founded The Happy Minyan, a modern Hassidic shul. He gives the podcast “Spiritual Tools for an Outrageous World.”
Eetta, former Editor-in-Chief, The Jerusalem Report, is Israel Editor of Moment Magazine and regular contributor to prominent publications, including Foreign Policy and Haaretz.
Ilan Evyatar is a former editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Report magazine. His book "Target Tehran" was named a Wall Street Journal Top 5 book in politics for 2023.
As an historian, attorney, and former ISIS war crimes investigator, Dr. Amon speaks on law and history, with a focus on the Inquisition and the Holocaust (isaacamon.com)
A child of Holocaust survivors, Kathy has written stories of hope, courage and humanity in the face of overwhelming adversity. Her books for young readers are sold around the world
Laura Ben-David is an award-winning photographer whose love of Israel and adventure fuels her photos - and her talks. Author, bridge-builder, settler, lover of life.
Malka Shaw, psychotherapist & trauma expert, empowers resilience through mental health education, the psychological impact of antisemitism, and inspiring and motivational.
Having divided the last 47 years between Israel and the US, Marc serves as Newsweek columnist in Tel Aviv, speaking about politics, history, the military, economy, and society.
Rabbi Cella, in a second career, tells the story of converting to Judaism, with her husband and 2 children, and ultimate ordination at JTS, and also speaks on Bible and Talmud.
Michael is a world renowned speaker, educator and storyteller who inspires and makes you laugh. His meaningful stories challenge audiences to think about important issues.
Oded Revivi, CEO of ANU – Museum of the Jewish People, former Mayor of Efrat, attorney, and Lt. Col. (Res.), is a leader in governance, coexistence, and public policy.
Rachel Hallote is an archaeologist who works in Israel. Her research involves biblical history as well as the intersection of politics and archaeology in Israel.
Poet Rachel Kann, Sephardic/Ashkenazi Fulbright Scholar to Morocco & author of "How to Bless the New Moon", uplifts audiences & congregations from TEDx to NY's Town & Village Shul.
Rachel is a consultant for Israel and Holocaust education. She engages audiences through innovative presentations built around stories, poems and songs of Israel’s best writers.
Author of "Judaism and Vegetarianism," "Judaism and Global Survival," and " Who Stole My Religion?" and over 250 articles at JewishVeg.org/schwartz; Jewish environmental activist.
Ruth Mastron provides lively talks and workshops on a variety of topics related to Jewish culture, diversity among Jews, and using Jewish values to bridge cultural differences.
Sarah Pachter is an award winning speaker and author. Her articles are featured in numerous publications and her work has been translated into several languages.
Sherri Mandell is an award winning author who lectures about community, kindness and resilience. She is the co-director of the Koby Mandell Foundation and a pastoral counselor.
Dr. Sherri Wise, survivor of a triple suicide bombing in Israel, speaks about turning anger into forgiveness, choosing survival, and finding goodness in the worst of circumstances.
Sivan Ya'ari is the Founder & CEO of Innovation: Africa, a nonprofit organization founded in 2008 that has brought Israeli technology to over 150 villages in 8 African countries.
Sonia Levitin is the author of dozens of famous Jewish children's books, and recipient of many awards, including the National Jewish Book Award. She is also an artist and producer.
Data Scientist Stav Appel deciphers concealed Judaica in the artistic ancestor of the contemporary Tarot, revealing the cards to have once been a secret tool for Jewish education.
Nominated by 12 African countries for the Nobel Peace Prize for his solar work in Africa and the Middle East, CNN named Yossi Abramowitz one of the planet's leading Green Pioneers.