Avivah Zornberg has been teaching Torah for the past 30 years at Jewish, academic & psychoanalytic settings around the world, & is the author of five acclaimed books on Tanach.
Miriam Anzovin is a writer, visual artist, and creator of the popular “Daf Reactions” series on social media. She exists at the intersection of Sefaria and Sephora.
Judy Klitsner, a senior lecturer at Pardes in Jerusalem, teaches Bible in an engaging, interactive style. She is the author of the acclaimed "Subversive Sequels in the Bible."
Rabbi Cella, in a second career, tells the story of converting to Judaism, with her husband and 2 children, and ultimate ordination at JTS, and also speaks on Bible and Talmud.
Rachel is a Jerusalem-born writer, educator, and lover of juxtapositions. She blogs about life in Israel, storytelling, Jewish texts...And the places where they intersect.
Rabbi Zarum is Dean of the London School of Jewish Studies and has a doctorate in Theoretical Physics. He specialises in wildly innovative and meaningful readings of Jewish sources