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in genre "Social & Communal"

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Micah Odenheimer

Rabbi Micha Odenheimer founded Tevel b’Tzedek, an NGO promoting sustainable development in developing countries, while providing young Jews with social justice experience abroad.

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Beatrice Weber

Beatrice Weber, a formerly Hasidic woman, passionately advocates for women's and children’s education justice, and her powerful journey of breaking free and finding her voice.

Cynthia Muchnick

Cindy worked in education for the past 25+ years in admissions,teaching&college counseling. She's a best-selling author of 11 books &speaks on education & parenting-related topics.

Eetta Prince-Gibson

Eetta, former Editor-in-Chief, The Jerusalem Report, is Israel Editor of Moment Magazine and regular contributor to prominent publications, including Foreign Policy and Haaretz.

Ruth Mastron

Ruth Mastron provides lively talks and workshops on a variety of topics related to Jewish culture, diversity among Jews, and using Jewish values to bridge cultural differences.